Amielle Comfort Vaginal Dilators

Owen Mumford


Your Price $58.59

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Manufacturer Information

Self treatment for painful sexual
intercourse and post vaginal surgery

Vaginismus is a condition where the vaginal muscles go into spasm, causing the vagina to feel tight and often making sexual intercourse impossible. This may be due to a number of reasons including fear and pain of penetration, gynaecological surgery or trauma following childbirth.

Dyspareunia can also inhibit sexual intercourse as it may cause pain and discomfort upon penetration. This is often associated with vaginal dryness or infection.

Designed in conjunction with psychosexual therapists, Amielle Comfort offers an effective way for women to take an active role in the treatment of these and other conditions. 

Prescription required

Amielle Comfort dilator

Doctor's prescription required.

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